Pennington Notes
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This is merely a list of notes that have been sent to me.  They are pretty much self-explanatory and for now will be entered just as they are.  Use CTRL-F to find a specific name or date.

Places where Benajah and Micajah Pennington's name is found. (From Joyce Heiss)

ROWAN CO. NC Deed BK.11, pp.291-294 (copied from microfilm, coutthouse,
Salisbury, NC, 19 Dec 1986) 17 Sep 1744, Rowan Co. 22 Feb 1759 between John Earl Granville Viscount Carteret & Baron Carteret of Hawns in the county of Bedford Great Britian and Benajah PENNINGTON of Rowan County, North Carolina, planter. 

Sum of 10 shillings sterling to John Earl Granville by s'd Benajah Pennington. "Tract or Parcel of Land Situate Lying  & being in the Parish of St. Luke in the County of Rowan in the Said Province Lying on the East Side of the Yadkins River..." 100 Acres, yearly rent of Four Shillings upon the 25th Day of March and 29th Day of September, at the courthouse.

MECKLENBURG CO, NC DEED ABSTRACTS, 1763-1779, Vol.4, Brent H. Holcombe & Elmer O. Parker (pp.240-241) 22 Sept 1767. Benige PENNINGTON & wf Elizabeth of Meck...
to James McClennan of same, for ono W side Cataba on a Branch of
Allisons Creak, 187 acres... Beanige PENETON (his mark "+") Elizabeth PENENTON (her mark "+"). Proved 1767

MECKLENBURG CO, NC INDEX TO LAND SURVEYS, 1762-1768, Miles S. Philbeck, 1988   

  • FILE #418; Dupl File #1146; Grantee: BENEJAH Penington; Grant Date: 1765; 1st chainbearer: CEAGY [Micajah] Penington; 2nd Chainbearer: Abraham Kuykendol; Watershed; Allison's Creek (I understand this is in the area south of Winston-Salem, not sure)

  • File#454, Dupl File#1182; Grantee: Benejah Penington; Grant Date: 1764; 1st
    Chainbearer: Benejah Penington; 2nd Chainbearer: Martain Armstrong; Watershed: Fishing Creek (same area as Rocky Allison's Creek)

  • File #2394; Grantee: Samuel Watson; Grant Date: 1768; 1st Chainbearer: Benejah
    Pennington; 2nd Chainbearer: Alexander Barron; Watershed: Rocky Allison Creek.

  • File #2208; Grantee: Benijah Penninton: Grant Date: 1767; 1st Chainbearer:
    Aarch. Barron; end Chainbearer: Benijah Penninton; Watershed: Rocky Allisons

    1744, Rowan Co, NC, Benajah PENNINGTON
    1755, Rowan Co, NC, Benajah PENNINGTON
    1757, Rowan Co, NC, Benajah PENNITON
    1759, Rowan Co, NC, Benajah PENNINGTON (Granville Grant; tax)
    1760 Rowan Co, NC, Benajah PENINGTON & wife, Eliz.
    1764, Anson-Mecklenburg Co, NC, Benajah PENINGTON
    1765, Anson-Mecklenburg Co, NC, Benajah PENINGTON
    1767, Anson-Mecklenburg Co, NC, Benijah PENNENTON
    1778, Wilkes Co, NC, Benajah PENINGTON
    1779, Wilkes Co, NC, Bennajah PENINGTON
    1782, Wilkes Co, NC, Benahah PENNINGTON
    1782-87. Montgomery Co, VA, Benajah PENNINGTON
    1790, Montgomery Co, VA, Bennazah PENNINGTON.

    LAND ENTRY BOOK, Wilkes Co, NC 1778-1781 #371, 9 Sep 1778. Benajah PENNINGTON entered 150 acres on Grassy Creek... New River... at ground hogs den below his mill.

Message from NCNR List (thought this was interesting - correspondence between Barb Temple and Ruth Lewis)

Well, here I go trying out the new address.  Does anyone know anything
about the property that was returned to some Tories who had their
property seized?  Does anyone have any info on Micajah Pennington and
John Barton in particular.
Was the John Barton who had his propert seized, the son in law of Micajah
Pennington?  I find a John Barton on the NRN along with others including
Micajah Pennington as having property taken to be sold, but the John
Barton who was Micajah's son in law fought in the RW.  Also, i see Enoch
Osborne and Flower Swift as either Tories or Quakers.  Later they are
serving either in the RW or as civil servants following the RW.  Can
anyone clarify this for me?  Thanks.

Barb,  The sale of land could be due to the fact that North Carolina was a
proprietary colony, with the Earl of Granville holding title to much of the
land. Residents of the Old North State before the Revolution paid a quit
rent to the Earl for some years, then perhaps, could acquire title to the
land they lived on.  In 1777 the North Carolina legislature passed a
confiscation act which took the Earl of Granville's holdings and
transferred title to the State.  The State in turn issued land grants to
its citizens for a nominal fee.  People were given every opportunity to
purchase the land they had lived on before, as is evidenced by the 'ample
notice' given of the public sale. In any event, the confiscation had
nothing to do with the loyalty of the land holders.  Hope this helps.  Ruth

This is some correspondence with David Cope about the Pennington and Jones names.

Hi Carmen, I am just doing a follow up on what I have found on the
Penningtons' and who they are found by in my family.
1768 Rowan CO. NC taxlist of Morgan Bryan-
Ephriam Pennington
William Cope and sons James Cope, William Cope and John Cope
Mathew Sparks
David Bailey

1772 Rowan CO. NC- tax list of William Sharp-
Ephriam Peneton and sons- Timothy and Richard
James Cope
William Cope
Mathew Sparks
 David Bailey

1774 Surry CO. NC- tax list of Benjamin Cleveland-( was Rowan CO. 1770 )part
of this area became Wilkes CO. NC 1778- Benjamin Cleveland- found in Wilkes CO. NC. - William Cope; John Cope; James Cope; Mathew Sparks; David Bailey
I have this hunch that the Penningtons may be found on the tax lists in Surry
CO. NC 1770s before it became Wilkes.

1787 Wilkes CO. NC
Micajah Pennington
James Pennington
William Pennington

1782 Montgomery CO. VA- enumerated-
William Sheperd
Micajah Pennington
Stephen Serech
A William Cope is listed on this census and I have him as living in Surry CO.
NC 1774.

1790 Wilkes CO. NC- census- enumerated- 10th CO. dist-
Jesse Bolin and 4 names down is-
Stephen SERITCH- could this be the same one in Montgomery CO. VA
William Spencer; William Boyd; Enas Suthernton;  Mark Weaver; Micajah Peniton; Ben Penniton;  Elijah Peniton
5 names down is William SHEPARD- could this be the same one in 1782
Montgomery CO. VA by Micajah Pennington.
It appears that the Penningtons lived in Montgomery CO. VA for a brief time
and then moved back to NC.

I also have a marriage of a Micajah Pennington to Linthey Jones- 25 July 1822
Clay CO. KY. I believe that this Jones is related to Vinson Jones( marr. a
Cope )  who lived in 1787 Wilks CO. NC. Also part of my Cope family lived in
Clay CO. KY 1810 and 1820. William Cope 1782 Montgomery CO. VA is in part of my Cope family as well. All this may not mean any thing but I thought I would see what you thought about what I have found on the Penningtons and my Cope family.
Sincerely, David C. Cope

Brent H. Holcomb & Elmer O. Parker, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Deed
Abstracts 1763-1779- index: Penenton, Beanige 104; Pennington, Benige 104; Elizabeth 104; Jacob 76.

Brent H. Holcomb, Tryon County North Carolina Minutes of the Court of Pleas
and Quarter Sessions 1769-1779- index: Pennington/Peninton, Benejah 5; Jacob 63; Jno 63; Mary 63; Micajah 9; Rachel 9.

Brent Holcomb, Deed Abstracts of Tryon, Lincoln & Rutherford Counties North
Carolina 1769-1786 - Tryon County Wills & Estates- index:
Pennington, Benajah 3, 7; Isaac 159; Jacob 28; John 28; Mary 28; Micajah 7,
23; Rachel 7.

Albert Bruce Pruitt, Spartanburg County/District South Carolina Deed
Abstracts Books A-T 1785-1827 (1752-1827)- index:
Penington,    --584
Pennington, --52, 113; Benjamin 644, 685; Isaac 718; Jacob 7, 8, 142 (2),
178 (2), 343, 491; John 232, 371, 373, 400, 455, 491 (4), 599; Judith 718; Levi 648, 685; Sarah 455, 491. Perington, Jacob 265.

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